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Financial Inclusion

Battling Gender Disparities in the Financial Sector

Throughout history, women have faced limited financial inclusion due to barriers imposed by social norms. This notion still remains valid in many cultures and must be battled effectively.

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How Banks and Fintech Can Work Together?

Not until too long ago, banks and fintech used to see each other as competitors, but now the tendency is to increasingly work together! And Purpl is no exception as our Co-founder & CEO explains in this piece for Entrepreneur

classmates sitting on a bench

4 Ways Fintech is Empowering Youth in Underserved Communities

The financial services industry has a long history of underinvesting in underserved communities, like the youth population (people between the ages of 15-24 as defined by the UN). Fintech, one of the key elements in shaping the financial industry, is working hard to close these gaps and empower underserved groups through technology.

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